bnelearn.experiment.configurations module

This module provides dataclasses that are used to hold configs. The values which are set to None are either not necessary, specific only for certain kinds of experiments or are set later depending on other values

class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.EnhancedJSONEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Bases: JSONEncoder


Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.ExperimentConfig(experiment_class: str, running: bnelearn.experiment.configurations.RunningConfig, setting: bnelearn.experiment.configurations.SettingConfig, learning: bnelearn.experiment.configurations.LearningConfig, logging: bnelearn.experiment.configurations.LoggingConfig, hardware: bnelearn.experiment.configurations.HardwareConfig)[source]

Bases: object

experiment_class: str
hardware: HardwareConfig
learning: LearningConfig
logging: LoggingConfig
running: RunningConfig
setting: SettingConfig
class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.HardwareConfig(cuda: bool, specific_gpu: int, fallback: bool, max_cpu_threads: int, device: str = None)[source]

Bases: object

cuda: bool
device: str = None
fallback: bool
max_cpu_threads: int
specific_gpu: int
class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.LearningConfig(model_sharing: bool, learner_type: str, learner_hyperparams: dict, optimizer_type: str, optimizer_hyperparams: dict, scheduler_type: str, scheduler_hyperparams: dict, hidden_nodes: List[int], pretrain_iters: int, pretrain_to_bne: int, batch_size: int, smoothing_temperature: float, redraw_every_iteration: bool, mixed_strategy: str, bias: bool, hidden_activations: List[torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = None, value_contest: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

batch_size: int
bias: bool
hidden_activations: List[Module] = None
hidden_nodes: List[int]
learner_hyperparams: dict
learner_type: str
mixed_strategy: str
model_sharing: bool
optimizer_hyperparams: dict
optimizer_type: str
pretrain_iters: int
pretrain_to_bne: int
redraw_every_iteration: bool
scheduler_hyperparams: dict
scheduler_type: str
smoothing_temperature: float
value_contest: bool = True
class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.LoggingConfig(enable_logging: bool, log_root_dir: str, util_loss_batch_size: int, util_loss_opponent_batch_size: int, util_loss_grid_size: int, eval_frequency: int, eval_batch_size: int, cache_eval_actions: bool, plot_frequency: int, plot_points: int, plot_show_inline: bool, log_metrics: dict, best_response: bool, save_tb_events_to_csv_aggregate: bool, save_tb_events_to_csv_detailed: bool, save_tb_events_to_binary_detailed: bool, save_models: bool, log_componentwise_norm: bool, save_figure_to_disk_png: bool, save_figure_to_disk_svg: bool, save_figure_data_to_disk: bool, experiment_dir: Optional[str] = None, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Controls logging and evaluation aspects of an experiment suite.

If logging is enabled, the experiment runs will be logged to the following directories:

log_root_dir /
    [setting-specific dir hierarchy determined by Experiment subclasses] /
        experiment_timestamp + experiment_name /
            run_timestamp + run_seed
best_response: bool
cache_eval_actions: bool
enable_logging: bool
eval_batch_size: int
eval_frequency: int
experiment_dir: str = None
experiment_name: str = None
export_step_wise_linear_bid_function_size = None
log_componentwise_norm: bool
log_metrics: dict
log_root_dir: str
plot_frequency: int
plot_points: int
plot_show_inline: bool
save_figure_data_to_disk: bool
save_figure_to_disk_png: bool
save_figure_to_disk_svg: bool
save_models: bool
save_tb_events_to_binary_detailed: bool
save_tb_events_to_csv_aggregate: bool
save_tb_events_to_csv_detailed: bool
util_loss_batch_size: int
util_loss_grid_size: int
util_loss_opponent_batch_size: int
class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.RunningConfig(n_runs: int, n_epochs: int, seeds: Iterable[int] = None)[source]

Bases: object

n_epochs: int
n_runs: int
seeds: Iterable[int] = None
class bnelearn.experiment.configurations.SettingConfig(n_players: int, n_items: int, payment_rule: str, risk: float, common_prior: torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution = None, valuation_mean: float = None, valuation_std: float = None, u_lo: list = None, u_hi: list = None, gamma: float = None, correlation_types: str = None, correlation_groups: List[List[int]] = None, correlation_coefficients: List[float] = None, pretrain_transform: <built-in function callable> = None, constant_marginal_values: bool = False, item_interest_limit: int = None, efficiency_parameter: float = None, core_solver: str = None, tullock_impact_factor: float = None, impact_function: str = None, crowdsourcing_values: List = None)[source]

Bases: object

common_prior: Distribution = None
constant_marginal_values: bool = False
core_solver: str = None
correlation_coefficients: List[float] = None
correlation_groups: List[List[int]] = None
correlation_types: str = None
crowdsourcing_values: List = None
efficiency_parameter: float = None
gamma: float = None
impact_function: str = None
item_interest_limit: int = None
n_items: int
n_players: int
payment_rule: str
pretrain_transform: callable = None
risk: float
tullock_impact_factor: float = None
u_hi: list = None
u_lo: list = None
valuation_mean: float = None
valuation_std: float = None